Interested in being a sponsor or exhibitor?
SPONSORS are needed to help cover costs of this event, in addition to industry professionals that are interested in donating their time, talent and/or equipment to demonstrate their products and practices in any aspect of how the forest is used to make everyday products. Sponsorship levels are available to meet any budget—download a copy of the brochure by clicking on the button below.
EXHIBITORS are also invited to showcase their wares. Booth space is 12x12. Governmental agencies and non-profit organizations are welcome at no cost. Table and chairs can provided for an additional cost.
For more information, email Operations Manager Mandy Gingerich at or call
(715) 479-6456 ext. 228.
Attendees learn about the heritage and legacy of Wisconsin’s timber industry, and modern day techniques and equipment through demonstrations, exhibits and hands-on activities. Programs that focus on sustainable management of our natural resources include wood harvesting, wood products, wilderness, wildlife, water qualityand recreation.
Forest Fest also features logging equipment demonstrations, exhibits, horse-drawn wagon rides, children’s activities, birds of prey, chainsaw carving, papermaking, logging history, great food and more!